Since its beginning the Caravan has been able to consult a total of 8,344 people who all received free care. To prevent the elderly from getting tired and to treat them better, doctors and specialists went to see them at home. Old men who could not have moved on their own or who, if they had been able to come, would have jostled themselves in the melee and under the heat of the sun, were treated at home. If all these people had to take care of themselves, to pay their transport to Nouakchott, the capital, or to go to Kaedi, the regional capital, for treatment, and buy the drugs; the estimates would amount to 177 million Ouguiyas, or $4,838,709,53. Compared to all the caravans combined, the total of 4 years will have cost us only 12 million ouguiyas, or $328,048.10. Electrical Engineer Ly Abdoul Dakel is one of the main organizers of the Caravan. He has participated in all expeditions since the beginning.